Check me parrot blog
Any coincidence that, just as the Indian cricket side enters Western Australia, an introduced pest, the Indian Ringneck Parrot is found happily flitting around the Marri trees of Fremantle?
I was born, bred and am currently breeding in the Indian Ocean port city of Fremantle. My grandfather first arrived here in 1942 on the P&O liner Alkaline. But the jarrah boards of the harbour pier burnt his feet. He hopped back on board and high-tailed it for Sydney, where the decks are cooler and the girls do hula. He and Grandmother have been talking about Freo ever since the fire went out.
Any coincidence that, just as the Indian cricket side enters Western Australia, an introduced pest, the Indian Ringneck Parrot is found happily flitting around the Marri trees of Fremantle?