Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Hammer the hammer. Byron the Schammer. Maradona the scammer

... not that I consider European football a boring game.

On the contrary, it's right up there with the hammer-throw as worthy of attention once every four years.


Based on what I saw in Germany, I'm sticking by my pre-world cup prediction that the Socceroos will win it before the millennium is out.

Yep, it was terribly sad they got knocked out, but well done for getting to the top 16.

And well done to the Socceroonies for getting knocked out. Now we can get our minds back to real sports where the players don't dog it quite so much and the refereeing is somewhat more consistent.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Byron Schammer

Byron Schammer's now under the hammer.
What's going on with his kicking stammer?

Subiaco shocker. Recruit Flacco as a Docker.

That first half against the Cats (Dockers down by 40 points) was enough to drive a man to drink - a Rogers', from the stable of local brewer Little Creatures, actually.

Oh God, they've been back on the field 30 seconds and Geelong has already scored again.

Bring on Brazil.

Big Pav

Dockers champion Matthew Pavlich
did not learn his skills in an education system designed by Liliana Ravlich.

Paul Medhurst

Paul Medhurst
could do worse.
But as a goal getter,
he could do much better.

Troy Cook

Troy Cook,
dreadlocks flowing.
Doesn't look,
where he's going.
Barrels through where others fall.
He's the human wrecking ball.


To this amateur punster,
ruckman Aaron Sandilands,
he looks like Herman Munster,
but he has much better hands.

Saturday, June 10, 2006


I see, from this weekend's Fremantle Herald, that Cockburn city has missed out on the super stadium it had proposed to the WA Government taskforce looking into such things.

The Cockburn site woulda been a beauty, unsullied by inner-city complications. However, the taskforce in its wisdom chose two compromised sites in East Perth and Subiaco for further examination.

Another example of north-west-of-the-river-white-of-tooth-blue-of-eyeism if ever I saw one.

Go Dockers.